An open-source Hypervisor, usable for safety and security

Run VMs securely and efficiently, in the Cloud and on the Edge

What's in the box?

Start Building Today!

Our solution is open-source and built for the open-source eco-system. Start building now and get help when you need it!

Secure by-design

Cyberus Hypervisor is built with security as a first-class citizen. We use memory-safe languages, provide a high-level API to build secure compartments and make sure you never have to deal with those CVEs.

Ready for Certification

Need to certify your solution? We provide all the necessary documentation regarding virtualization and hardware interaction. Certifying your product will be a breeze!

Start building today!

Take a look at our code, our documentation or reach out for support. We're here to help!

Secure Compartments with enclosed

Discover how we enable true multi-tenancy with ease.


enclosed allows users to focus on what they want to achieve. Describe VMs and communication channels between these VMs, free from the clutter of irrelevant details and rest assured these are the only communication channels.

Automated Isolation

With enclosed, the burden of ensuring VM isolation is lifted from the user. The system automatically handles segmentation of system resources, such as CPUs, memory, network devices, ensuring that VMs within different compartments remain securely isolated by default. There is no potential for oversights.

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Maximizing Uptime: The Power of Live Migration for Seamless Software Updates
Philipp Schuster, Florian Pester

Maximizing Uptime: The Power of Live Migration for Seamless Software Updates

Discover how live migration technology empowers cloud services to perform seamless updates, ensuring your software stays fresh without disrupting operations. At Cyberus, we're pioneering innovative solutions like post migration to push the boundaries of high availability. Ready to optimize your infrastructure?

  • virtualization
  • deep-dive
  • live-migration
microvm.nix: The Declarative Virtualization Tool for NixOS
Stephan Maka, Julian Stecklina

microvm.nix: The Declarative Virtualization Tool for NixOS

Virtualization is a powerful tool, but managing VMs across various hypervisors can be a nightmare, especially when aiming for consistency and reproducibility. Enter microvm.nix—the essential tool that brings the declarative simplicity of NixOS to the world of virtualization.

  • nixos
  • virtualization

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